Cotton Fabric - Play Controller

The Play Controller cotton fabric features a print with a lot of controllers from consoles like Play Station, Xbox or Wii.... You can even find other more retro controllers! It is perfect for creating garments, accessories or complements for video game lovers. It has a width of 150 cm.


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€11.95 per meter
price €3.59
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€11.95 per meter
price €3.59
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Detailed information

The Play Controller cotton fabric is perfect for video game lovers. It has a soft gray background with a print where you will find all kinds of console controllers: Play Station controllers, Xbox, Wii, and even other retro ones.

It is a very fun fabric perfect for making accessories to decorate the room of the little ones, such as cushions, bedspreads or curtains. You can also use it to create clothing for children or adults. The fabric is light, breathable and comfortable to wear thanks to its cotton fibers. 

Which are the features of this fabric?

  • Composition: 100% cotton
  • Width: 150 centimeters approximately
  • Design: print of different types of consoles (Play, Xbox, Wii…) 

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