Cross Stitch Kit - Linen Meadow Moth - Anchor

The Cross Stitch Kit - Linen Meadow Moth by Anchor features a detailed butterfly, bee and flower design, and includes everything you need to make the project: high quality Aida fabric, cotton thread, needle and design chart. With easy to follow instructions, it is perfect for nature and flower lovers. Size 20 cm in diameter.


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The Cross Stitch Kit - Linen Meadow Moth by Anchor is perfect for nature and flower lovers. This cross stitch embroidery kit features a beautiful butterfly, bee and flower design, measuring 20 centimetres in diameter when finished.

Its design consists of a butterfly in the middle, surrounded by bees and a wide variety of colourful flowers. The kit includes everything you need to make it, including high-quality Aida fabric, cotton thread, needle and a design chart. It also includes easy-to-follow instructions to guide you through the embroidery process.

The butterfly, bee and flower design is charming and full of life. Thanks to its wide variety of colours, this design is perfect for those looking for an eye-catching project to decorate the home. The flowers and bees surrounding the butterfly add a natural and vibrant touch to this cross stitch embroidery.

Which are the features of the Cross Stitch Kit - Linen Meadow Moth - Anchor?

  • Content:
    - Anchor Linen embroidery thread in the required colours.
    - Aida fabric #16
    - Embroidery needle
    - Instructions and cross stitch diagram
  • Final size: 20 centimetres in diameter
  • Difficulty level: Intermediate

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