The Cross Stitch Bookmark Kit - Peony Bouquets - DMC allows you to make a bookmark with a peony bouquet design in shades of pink and green, perfect for marking pages in your favorite books. Includes Aida fabric, high quality cotton threads, a needle, cardboard and a chart with instructions in 9 different languages. It's an ideal project for beginners and experts alike, and the floral design gives it an elegant and refined look. The size of the finished project is 5 x 17 cm.


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The Cross Stitch Bookmark Kit - Peony Bouquets - DMC includes a set of materials to make a cross-stitch embroidered bookmark with a peony bouquet design in pink and green tones. This kit is produced by DMC, renowned for its high quality embroidery products.

This bookmark will make the perfect gift for any book lover. The kit includes everything you need to make the project.

What are the characteristics of the Bookmark Cross Stitch Kit - Peony Bouquets - DMC?

  • Contents of the kit:
  • 1 piece of Aida 5.5 (14ct) cotton fabric 15 x 17 centimeters
  • 22 skeins of 2 metres of Mouliné Spécial® cotton thread
  • Embroidery needle
  • 2 cartons of 5 x 17 centimeters
  • Graphics and instructions in 8 different languages: Spanish, English, French, Dutch, German, Portuguese, Italian, and Japanese.
  • Size of the finished project: 5 x 17 centimeters

The design of the peony bouquets is very detailed and presents a combination of pink and green tones that give it a very elegant and refined look. It is an ideal project for beginners and embroidery experts alike, as the detailed instructions and chart provide a step by step guide for each stage of the process.

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