StitchBow Floss Holders - DMC

The DMC StitchBow Floss Holders are supplied in packs of 10 and they are very useful to organize your embroidery skeins. This accessory will hold your threads and prevent them from getting tangled. Very practical for those embroiderers willing to organize their skeins!


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Detailed information

The DMC StitchBow Floss Holders are very practical to organize your embroidery skeins thanks to its slots appearing on each end.

Each pack contains 10 bows, so you can roll up to 10 skeins in different colors. On the bow you can write the color you rolled to identify it quick.

You can easily unroll your threads and work with them. A practical accessory for all embroiderers!

Which are the features of the DMC StitchBow Floss Holders?

  • Each pack contains 10 bows.
  • Perfect to organize your embroidery skeins.
  • Slots on each end to hold your threads.
  • Roll your threads on the bow to keep them.
  • Made of plastic.

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4 out of 5
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