Rowan Summertime Crochet Collection

Rowan Summertime Crochet Collection is a magazine containing 12 crochet patterns for making cool and stylish summer garments and accessories such as T-shirts, blouses, tops, light jackets and a hat. The patterns are designed to highlight the beauty of Rowan's high quality cotton yarns, making them a perfect choice for creating comfortable, cool garments for warm seasons.

Available in English, Spanish, French and German.


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Detailed information

Rowan Summertime Crochet Collection is a magazine that includes 12 crochet patterns to make fresh and elegant garments and accessories for summer. Among them, you will find the instructions to make cool t-shirts, elegant blouses, tunics, tops and light jackets.

You will also find a funny pattern to create a hat, perfect to match your summer looks. All these crochet patterns have been carefully designed to highlight the beauty of Rowan cotton yarns and create comfortable and cool garments for the warmer seasons.

This collection is perfect to inspire your summer dressing, as they are designed with classic shapes and use a variety of cool and comfortable yarns for the warmer seasons. The yarns used in the patterns are Fine Lace, Summerlite 4ply, Summerlite DK, Handknit Cotton and Cotton Glacé.

Which are the features of the Rowan Summertime Crochet Collection?

  • 12 crochet patterns to create summer garments.
  • Patterns included:
    - Margarida hat (2 different models: A and B)
    - Louna T-shirt
    - Melina tunic
    - Elise Blouse
    - Amelia Top
    - Beatriz T-shirt
    - Olivia T-shirt
    - Leonie Short sleeve cardigan
    - Leonie Long sleeve cardigan
    - Lya Cardigan
    - Lara Cardigan 
  • Magazine available in Spanish, English, French and German.

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